This blog is dedicated to my son, Patrick, who died, age 43 in a fatal car accident in which he lost control due to a seizure. Dying young is not unique among those with epilepsy for it is a disease with an expected shortened life span. The high mortality rate associated with epilepsy is disturbing. I am particularly puzzled by the fact that even though epilepsy has been observed and recorded for over 500 years, there is no cure and all 25 or more antiepileptic drugs produce side effects that seriously decrease the quality of life. Furthermore, about 30% of epileptics are drug-resistant and derive no benefit from therapy.
There are many aspects of epilepsy that remain bewildering. My blog will critically evaluate published peer-reviewed scientific articles and present summary assessments of the data. My goal is to critically evaluate the available science so that those with epilepsy can make the best decisions currently possible.
My blogs will be organized around specific topics and associated questions as given below. To my readers – please submit your questions on similar or related topics and they will be addressed
Topics and Questions
1. Myths and misconceptions
Can an individual predict the onset of his/her seizure?
What are the immediate triggers for a seizure? Are they known?
What drugs precipitate seizures on withdrawal or initiation?
How common is lack of awareness of an experienced seizure?
What, if any, over-the-counter (OTC) medications suppress seizures?
2. Current therapies
Drug therapy for epilepsy – What are the QOL issues with each one?
Non drug therapies for epilepsy – What are they and do they stop seizures?
3. Disease characteristics
Definition by the International League Against Epilepsy; what is their contribution thus far?
What are the various types of seizures? Can they be accurately diagnosed?
What factors contribute to sudden unexplained death in epilepsy?
Reasons for the high mortality in epileptics compared to age-matched controls. How to change this?
What is the influence of age on epilepsy – childhood to adulthood?
4. Associated diseases and conditions – their effect on epilepsy
What is the association of sleep apnea and epilepsy?
Do other conditions (comorbidities e.g. heart disease, depression) influence epilepsy?
Does epilepsy, treated or untreated, affect cognition?
5. Diagnostic tools for epilepsy
How helpful are electroencephalograms (EEGs) in diagnosing epilepsy?
Do biomarkers for epilepsy exist?
6. Genetic research/Clinical trials
Understanding of epilepsy using genetic research on animal models- what insights have been derived?
Insights from cross-sectional epilepsy studies in man – why the data is questionable?
How does epigenetics (environmental influence on gene expression) influence seizure frequency and severity?
7. Driving regulations – influence on epilepsy
What is the association between seizures while driving and vehicle accidents in patients with and without a diagnosis of epilepsy?
How do state driving regulation influence behavior of those with epilepsy?