Tag Archives: chemizole

Zebrafish – a valuable animal model

The zebrafish (Danio rerio), approximately 2-4 cm in length, has become a valuable animal model for investigations of neurological diseases and for use in high intensity screening to discover disease-ameliorating drugs.  In particular, this tiny non-mammalian animal has been of use in research into the genetics and pathophysiology of epilepsy and in the evaluation of anti-seizure drugs.  This blog will discuss this model and some of its contributions to understanding epilepsy.

Animal Models

There are many experimental models of epilepsy.  The greatest research effort has focused on rodent models of epilepsy (chemically or electrically-induced seizure, acute or chronic).  Interest in both experimental and natural models of epilepsy in the non-human primates (monkeys) has risen in recent years as has interest in smaller, non-mammalian models (amoeba, roundworm, fruit fly, zebrafish).  To be of scientific value, scientists must rigorously validate all models.  They must demonstrate neuronal electrical activity, neurotransmitter release, gene expression and response to antiseizure drugs comparable to that observed in patients with epilepsy.  As a result, animal models have contributed significantly to the identification of the multiple causes of epilepsy, genetic and environmental and are absolutely essential to the development of safe and effective antiseizure drugs.

Zebrafish Attributes that Make for a Successful Animal Model

Although rodent models of epilepsy have contributed considerably to our understanding of this disease,  rodents are expensive to breed, house and treat.  In contrast, the zebrafish is inexpensive to breed, maintain and treat.  Thus, large numbers are readily cared for with minimal expense.  Zebrafish mature quickly (~3 months), are highly fertile, giving rise to large numbers of offspring and can live in captivity up to 5 years.  The immature form, the larva, is transparent facilitating visual experimentation especially in observing gene expression and nerve activity.  Larvae and embryos are ideal for screening of large numbers of drugs for antiseizure activity.

Additionally and importantly, the zebrafish model relates well to rodent models and patients with epilepsy.  Firstly, 77% of zebrafish genes are similar to those in humans and approximately 80% of disease-associated genes are also present in zebrafish.  EEG recordings in drug-induced seizures in larvae and adult fish are similar to those observed in patients with epilepsy. 

Zebrafish mutants exist with alterations in genes involved in a number of human epileptic syndromes e.g. Dravet’s syndrome (see blog 17). Zebrafish mutants also show similar electrophysical activity as well as responses to anti-seizure drugs as evident in humans.  Additionally, zebrafish express brain neurotransmitters such as gamma-aminobutyric acid, glycine and acetylcholine. These are the same ones involved in human epilepsy. Neurotransmitters in zebrafish increase or decrease in response to seizure-producing and anti-seizure drugs as reported for rodents.

Contribution from Zebrafish Mutants

Many rare and not so rare genetically driven epilepses in humans have been successfully developed in zebrafish mutants.  One epilepsy of interest is Dravet syndrome, a grave pediatric epilepsy with severe seizures and associated cognitive deficits.  The disease origin is attributed in large part to a mutated neuronal sodium channel.  Zebrafish mutants lacking key elements of the sodium channel as in Dravet syndrome were developed and characterized (Baraban et al., 2013).  Mutant zebrafish exhibit abnormal brain electrical activity, related hyperactive locomotion and convulsions.  Furthermore, anti-seizure drugs that reduce seizures in Dravet syndrome also reduce seizures in zebrafish. Moreover, those that are ineffective in Dravet syndrome fail in mutated zebrafish. 

Zebrafish Mutants and Drug Evaluation

Using this model, over 300 chemicals and known drugs were tested (Baraban et al., 2017).  One drug, chemizole, an FDA approved antihistamine with a good safety profile, was highly effective.  This is a surprise but significant finding.   Since other antihistamines were ineffective, the mechanism of action of chemizole in seizure reduction suggests a unique unknown target. This is an opportunity to develop a new potentially novel antiseizure drug for Dravet syndrome.

Contribution from the proconvulsant-treated Zebrafish

The proconvulsant-treated zebrafish (also shortened to the PTZ-treated zebrafish) is a validated and reliable model of epilepsy.  It is used to identify the initial neuronal changes in epilepsy, to identify new anti-seizure drugs and recently to study the negative role of seizures on cognition.  PTZ (pentylenetetrazole) is a proconvulsant. Researchers treat zebrafish with PTZ to generate seizure activity comparable to generalized absence and myoclonic seizures in humans (Gawel et al., 2020).  Specifically, scientists anesthetize the zebrafish and inject the zebrafish intraperitonally (space between skin and intestines) with PTZ and/or an anti-seizure drug. Scientists then return the zebrafish to the testing tank for observations depending on the experimental protocol.   PTZ-induced seizures in zebrafish are dose and time-dependent and ameliorated by anti-seizure drugs such as valporic acid and diazepam (see blog 5).  Changes in locomotor activity following PTZ administration correlates with EEG activity.  

PTZ (proconvulsant)-treated Zebrafish results

As with Zebrafish mutants, researchers use the PTZ-treated zebrafish to screen for novel anti-seizure drugs.  Another interesting use is the study of the negative role of seizures in memory and learning.  Kundap et al., (2017) approached this by developing a T-maze for fish to evaluate memory and behavior.  In this study, researchers collected data on seizure activity, memory, neurotransmitter release and gene expression.  Interestingly, not only did seizure activity affect performance in the T-maze but the anti-seizure drugs that reduced seizure activity also reduced memory.  Tested drugs were phenytoin (Dilantin) oxcarbazepin (Trileptal), gabapentin (Gralise), diazepam (Diastat), rivastigmine (used in dementia ).  The authors conclude that this study provides “proof-of-concept” that the PTZ-treated zebrafish is a valuable model to study the negative effects of repetitive seizures on cognition.  These results emphasize the need to use cautiously those anti-seizure drugs that are additive to the harmful effects of seizure on memory.

Zebrafish Rendition


Investigations with validated animal models are an essential strategy to reveal the genetics and pathophysiology of epilepsy. Also, validated animal models are necessary to develop candidate drugs to eliminate seizures and cure epilepsy.  Although the most frequently used models for epilepsy are rodent models, the smaller, less expensive and equally useful model is the zebrafish.  Its many attributes and its validated relevance to genetics and etiology of human epilepsies may make it the model of choice for anti-seizure drug screening.


Baraban SC, Dinday MT, Hortopan GA. Drug screening in Scn1a mutant zebra-fish identifies clemizole as a potential Dravet syndrome treatment. Nat Com-mun 2013;4:2410.

Cunliffe VT et al., Epilepsy research methods update. Understanding the causes of epileptic seizures and identifying new treatments using non-mammalian model organisms Seizure 24 (2015) 44–51.

Gawel K et al., Seizing the moment: Zebrafish epilepsy models. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 116 (2020) 1–20.

Kandratavicius L et al.,  Animal models of epilepsy: use and limitations.   Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment (2014):10 1693–1705.

Kundap UP et al., Zebrafish as a Model for Epilepsy-Induced Cognitive Dysfunction: A Pharmacological, Biochemical and Behavioral Approach Front. Pharmacol. 8:515, 2017.

Niemyer JE et al., Seizures initiate in zones of relative hyperexcitation in a zebrafish epilepsy model Brain (2022): 145; 2347–2360.