Tag Archives: genes

Precision Medicine – Promising Future


There is a rising number of epilepsies that have been associated with genetic mutations called genetic variants (see Blog 14) .  For example, some of these epilepsies result from gene variants in ion channels that produce a loss of function or a gain of function.  Such changes promote seizures and other neurological deficits.  Specifically, the common gene variants account for 30% of adult general epilepsies. As more genetic expertise is developed, this number is expected to significantly increase.  Ongoing research from Ingo Helbig and collaborators at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Perelman School of Medicine and other University neurological departments) suggests that precision medicine is the promising future therapy of genetic-based epilepsies.

Precision Medicine

As reviewed by Knowles et al., (2022), precision medicine is an encompassing approach to optimal treatment.  In particular, it is based on classifying patients according to measurable biology, susceptibility to disease, and response to treatment to assure an efficacious intervention for those who would benefit and avoid those who would not.  For genetic epilepsies, “ideal precision treatment would correct a well-defined genetic mechanism in the context of individualized factors, to impart freedom from seizures and comorbidities” (Knowles et al., 2022).  However, this calls for integration of genetic analysis, natural history and clinical data into searchable databases.  Already, genetic testing alone yields better treatment and less hospitalizations.  Adding natural history and clinical data to genetic analysis would achieve considerably more treatment success.

Achievements Toward Precision Medicine

Identification of genetic variants in certain epilepsies allows for the application of molecular biology techniques to interfere with unwanted mRNA produced by genetic variants.  Therefore, appropriately designed oligonucleotides as well as vector-promoter-gene complexes successfully treat animal models of epilepsy. Currently, evaluation of the latter is ongoing in a clinical trial (NCT05419492) (https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/) for a genetic epilepsy. 

The discovery of the gene termed SCN8A exemplifies the feasibility of  rapid trajectory from gene identification to precision medicine.  Specifically, SCN8A (voltage-gated sodium channel gene) was discovered in 1995 in mice. Later, its pathological variants were associated with epileptic encephalopathies (seizures with neurological pathology).  By 2019, following intense research, the testing of a specific sodium channel inhibitor (NBI-921352) for the genetic variant was initiated.  Presently, “NBI-921352 is entering phase II proof-of-concept trials for the treatment of SCN8A-developmental epileptic encephalopathy (SCN8A-DEE) and adult focal-onset seizures” (Johnson et al., 2022).  Although this is impressive, “coordinated and systematic streamlining of the epilepsy precision medicine pipeline” from gene discovery to effective therapy is the essential goal (Knowles et al., 2022).

Challenges for Precision Medicine

Technological improvements in genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have facilitated the ability to screen large groups of patients to detect genetic variants associated with disease.  The result is the creation of large available, searchable databases of genetic variants.  However, not only must the gene variant associated with the disease be considered but more importantly, the unique expression of the gene variant in a particular patient must be defined. 

The expression of a gene variant is termed the phenotype of the disease. The phenotype includes all of the clinical observations and measurements in the patient relevant to the epilepsy. Therefore, gene expression may take many forms creating multiplicities and complexities of expression (heterogeneity) from patient to patient. Hence, the correct association of a gene variant with a defined phenotype poses a serious challenge.  According to Helbig and Tayoun, (2016) accurately defining the phenotype of a rare genetic variant, e.g. STXBP1 producing an epileptic encephalopathy represents a “hurdle” due to the phenotypic spectrum that it produces. 

To address this challenge, Helbig et al., (2019) characterized the phenotype of patients with “missense variant in AP2M1” (coding a protein needed for uptake mechanisms on the cell membrane).  The use of the searchable database, Human Phenotype Ontology, set up in 2008 to formalize the phenotypes of all diseases, enhanced this work.  More recently, the International League Against Epilepsy added neurological data and guidelines to it (Kohler et al., 2021).  This database presents “a standardized format to provide both terminology and semantics to a broad range of phenotypic features, including neurological features” (Helbig and Tayoun, 2016).  Consequently, with this type of analysis, researchers (Helbig and Tayou) were able to show “significant phenotypic overlap in individuals with the recurrent AP2M1”. 


To successfully treat epilepsy and its comorbidities both the genotype and phenotype of the epilepsy requires accurate assessment.  Researchers at Children’s Hospital of Pennsylvania and the Perelman School of Medicine and their collaborators are focused on this assessment.  The challenge lies in the interpretation of the epilepsy phenotype since both severe and less severe epilepsies are driven by the same genetic variants.  Sorting out this phenotypic heterogeneity will be worthwhile and lead to benefits of precision medicine for all patients.

References (pubmed)

Clatot J et al., SCN1A gain-of-function mutation causing an early onset epileptic encephalopathy. Epilepsia.64(5):  1318-1330, 2023.

Ganesan S, et al., A longitudinal footprint of genetic epilepsies using automated electronic medical record interpretation. Genet Med. 22(12):  2060-2070, 2020.

Helbig I et al., A Recurrent Missense Variant in AP2M1 Impairs Clathrin-Mediated Endocytosis and Causes Developmental and Epileptic Encephalopathy.  Am J Hum Genet .104(6):  1060-1072, 2019.

Helbig I, Tayoun ANA. Understanding Genotypes and Phenotypes in Epileptic Encephalopathies. Mol Syndromol  7:  172–181, 2016.

Kohler S et al.,  Human Phenotype Ontology in 2021, Nucleic Acids Research  49, Database issue D1207–D1217, 2021.

Knowles JK et al., Precision medicine for genetic epilepsy on the horizon: Recent advances, present challenges, and suggestions for continued progress. Epilepsia. 63(10):   2461–2475, 2022.

Lewis-Smith D et al., Phenotypic homogeneity in childhood epilepsies evolves in gene-specific patterns across 3251 patient-years of clinical data. Eur J Hum Genet. 29(11):  1690-1700, 2021.

Seiffert S et al., KCNC2 variants of uncertain significance are also associated to various forms of epilepsy. Front Neurol. 14: 1212079, 2023.

Xian J et al., Delineating clinical and developmental outcomes in STXBP1-related disorders. medRxiv. 2023 May 11;2023.05.10.23289776. doi: 10.1101/2023.05.10.23289776. Preprint

Noncoding RNAs: diagnosis/cure for epilepsy?

Assessment 13


Several reviews present data to support the hypothesis that noncoding RNAs have the potential to serve as a diagnostic marker for epilepsy. Additionally, because noncoding RNAs play an integral function in the disease process, they may also serve as a therapeutic target to cure epilepsy.  In these two respects, noncoding RNAs are worth discussing.

In the US, there are approximately 3 million Americans living with epilepsy and each year approximately 150,000 more are diagnosed with this disease (https://www.epilepsyallianceamerica.org).  Of these, roughly 30-50%, depending on the type of epilepsy, are not helped with medications and many on medications are dissatisfied due to drug-related side effects.  Therefore, it is postulated that this embarrassing gap in effective therapy is largely due to a lack of noninvasive biomarkers coupled with a modest understanding of the molecular instigators of epilepsy.  Here is where research may help.

Noncoding RNAs

High school biology taught that one gene produces one protein and that genes via this principle dictate our heredity e.g. who we are.  Furthermore, genes (actually DNA molecules) transcribe their information to another smaller molecule, RNA, which then translates DNA’s instructions precisely into a specific protein.  Scientists now know that this pathway is tightly regulated by many factors, one of which is noncoding RNA, the subject of this blog. 

Thus noncoding RNA is a RNA molecule but as its name implies, it does not code for a protein.  Instead, noncoding RNAs control which proteins are made and how much is made. Interestingly, certain classes of noncoding RNAs regulate other noncoding RNAs.  The bottom line is that noncoding RNAs are essential for the normal health of all cells.  However, when they exist in excess or in lesser amounts compared to normal, gene regulation falls apart, essential proteins are not made and pathology ensues.

Role in epilepsy

The role of noncoding RNAs in epilepsy has been extensively studied in animal models of epilepsy and largely confirmed with tissues surgically removed in patients with intractable, drug-resistant epilepsy. In animal models and human tissues, the majority of disease-associated regulating RNAs are present in abnormally high amounts. Therefore, they are instrumental in supporting a pro-inflammatory milieu, damaging neuronal structure and encouraging neuronal cell death.  These are changes essential for initiation and continuance of epilepsy (see Blog 12).

Noncoding RNAs as a noninvasive biomarker for epilepsy

There is a desperate need for noninvasive biomarkers of epilepsy.  Briefly, a biomarker is a measurement of a pathological process and/or a biomarker indicates the response to a therapeutic/surgical intervention.   To date, the seizure, observed clinically or by EEG, is the only validated biomarker (see Blog 7 for issues) for epilepsy.   Because noncoding RNAs are small molecules, they exit the cell and appear in body fluids e.g. blood.  Present day instrumentation is capable of detecting very low levels of circulating noncoding RNAs.  Studies confirm that variations in blood levels of disease-associated noncoding RNAs mimic changes in the brain, making them a potentially valuable noninvasive biomarker for detection/diagnosis of epilepsy.

There have been a number of studies in man with the objective of assessing the role of noncoding RNAs as a diagnostic noninvasive biomarker.  Many show that certain regulating RNAs measured in serum, plasma or cerebrospinal fluid are indicative of specific epilepsies compared to normal controls.  Some studies measured noncoding RNAs as a biomarker for drug-resistant epilepsy.  In all studies, the select or disease-associated noncoding RNAs were statistically significantly changed from controls and hence have potential to accurately characterize the epilepsy.

Noncoding RNAs as a target to cure epilepsy

Data show that certain disease-associated noncoding RNAs create instability severe enough to ferment inflammation and cause neuronal death. This ignites the beginning stages of epilepsy. Thus, noncoding RNAs represent potential targets for future therapy.  Several anti-noncoding RNA therapies e.g. antisense oligonucleotides, anti-microRNA, microRNA mimics, microRNA sponges (Manna et al., 2022), are currently in development in animal models and could prove valuable to patients with epilepsy.

Issues to overcome

There is little doubt that noncoding RNAs will become useful diagnostic biomarkers and therapeutic targets in the future.  However, several hurdles remain.  One is standardization.  There is the need to develop valid universal methods to allow critical comparison of results between separate studies and different laboratories.  Studies also need to improve on sensitivity and specificity.  “Sensitivity measures the proportion of correctly identified subjects having the specific condition or disease. Specificity measures the proportion of correctly identified subjects not having the disease (Pitkanen et al., 2019).  From well-designed studies, scientists can use these measurement to determine acceptable values. Also, larger studies in man are clearly essential.


Understanding the  role of noncoding RNAs in health and disease is an important endeavor.  Noncoding RNAs are key regulators of gene expression and aberrant regulation leads to dysfunction and disease.  Results from animal models of epilepsy and various studies in patients with epilepsy strongly indicate epilepsy-associated noncoding RNAs could become reliable diagnostic biomarkers for the disease as well as future therapeutic targets.

Biological principle of noncoding RNAs
noncoding RNAs regulate gene function

Select References (Pubmed)

Manna I et al., Non-Coding RNAs: New Biomarkers and Therapeutic Targets for Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 23, 3063, 2022.

Papadelis C, Perry MS. Localizing the Epileptogenic Zone with Novel  Biomarkers. Semin Pediatr Neurol 39:100919,  2021.

Pitkanen A. et al., Epilepsy biomarkers – Toward etiology and pathology specificity. Neurobiol Dis. 123: 42–58, 2019.

Some studies in man

Wang X et al., Serum microRNA-4521 is a potential biomarker for focal cortical dysplasia with refractory epilepsy. Neurochem Res 41  :905-12, 2016.

Yan S et al., Altered microRNA profiles in plasma exosomes from mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis. Oncotarget 8:  4136–4146, 2017.

An N et al,. Elevated serum miR-106b and miR- 146a in patients with focal and generalized epilepsy. Epilepsy Res 127:  311–316, 2016.

Sun J. et al.,  Identification of serum miRNAs differentially expressed in human epilepsy at seizure onset and post-seizure. Mol. Med. Rep 14:  5318–5324, 2016.